Monday 1 September 2014

Most people get by in this world, by ignoring facts. when the internet came along, the generation that used to ignore these facts became scared and uneasy from the idea.
Back in the 90's when the mainstream were presented with the internet, the news called it dark and shady, and mostly hosting illegal activities. (which at the time it probably was mostly used for). Unfortunatly that image has stayed with the internet.
People have continued to not trust it and have not taken interest to try and understand it.
Now that new generations are growing and living with and on the internet, it has spawned a new kind of person. Baby boomers, as I will refer to as the older generation growing up without the internet, have lived a life believing what has been fed to them.
Whether it was through parents, the media or simple neighbourhood myth, this is what they believed.
Now it seems the opposite is becoming of the younger generations, everything that is told to them they second guess, and check with the millions of people on the internet.

Its fascinating for me as being one of the younger generation that has grown up with the infinite wealth of knowledge that the internet is, to see how the baby boomers are effected by this change.
Something strange is formed when a belief can be proved incorrect by just a couple clicks of a button, but the believer would still prefer not to search, and believe that everything is as it was.

Is it because people are afraid of moving out of their comfort zone? how would you feel if something you've believed and even built your life around for the past 40-50 years was proved false. Would you feel stupid? fooled?
It takes an brave and smart person to admit when they are wrong. Often ego gets in the way of truth.

I know I find it hard myself If I have felt passionate about something and even spoken publicly about it, If a fact were to come up to deem it wrong or in factual I may blind myself from the truth. Try to find flaws or make them up, convince yourself they facts are wrong.
The truth can only be denied for so long. It is also being played out on a more global scale. Religions that have ruled people for thousands of years, have been proved to be based on myth, or fairytale. People are waking up more and more day by day, especially it seems in the western culture.

This ignorance Is incredibly frustrating to me, especially as people talk more and more about the economy slowdown, lack of jobs and lack of cheap housing. If people were to look into the root cause of these problems, we could all stand together and make a change.
But instead we stand idly by, go to work everyday, get home watch TV, fantasize about a new larger TV, complain a little more and repeat the cycle.

Now if everybody was happy would there be no problem. would there be anything wrong with repeating a medial cycle day to day as long as everyone was enjoying themselves. No, There wouldn't be, But we're not happy, we are on a continuing path to creating more wealth and fancy things, but more people are getting poorer
and fewer people are getting richer. The rich aren't happy because they know they lead a unhealthy unbalanced lifestyle, the poor aren't happy because they have no freedom.

When thinking about these topics of human togetherness and happiness it keeps coming back to money. now we could spend time simply wondering why we are here on earth, what goal we are here to acheive. But that would be wasting time that ewe could be making more money.
I naturally have a drive to pursue money, people have asked me why I seem to always be thinking and talking about money.

because I believe money is both power and freedom. when i say power I mean control, the ability to control your own life.
at the moment most of us don't have that control, we are control by the people putting money into our bank accounts( and taking it out).

The ultimate end goal is for people to have equal amount of money and resources. It will happen, just how long it takes only time will tell.
alot of people dont realise the financial hardship they are in, because they have lived with it their whole lives, and so did their parents.

At some point people have got to realise, We are working more and making less. something has got to change.
One example is the housing market, people are always wanting cheaper. cheaper builders, cheaper materials and cheaper areas. So what we are getting are better looking products, with a lesser quality. We are essiantly going backwards whilst trying to fool ourselves we are going forwards.

But unfortunately I don't think things are going to change until they reach breaking point. thing may get a little messy.

Fortunately things are being built on the internet everyday to help us with this impending financial apocalypse. Things like bitcoin, A currency running on the internet with no central backing. no transaction can be stopped, no one can seize your money and transactions are made between people for free with no middle man.
Another is openbazaar, A marketplace run over the internet with no central backing, with essiantally the same properties. No one can stop a transaction, no one can pull down an advertisement and no one takes a cut.
Decentralised systems are the key to solving many of the worlds problems, as most are caused by central institutions.
But for a solution to become effective, people first need to realise we have a problem.

With the helping hands of each other, through the internet, we can shift the tides of the global economy and put the power back into the peoples hands.